
June 18th – Unplanned day off

While we had hoped to ride today, mail and weather dictated we stay one more night.
I am getting caught up with communication albeit it takes all day.
I slept late this morning. The mosquito bites from Thursday night are tormenting me. They swell and itch so much, it makes it hard to sleep. I took a benedryl last night to help calm the itch. I’m not used to taking medication so it really looped me. But, it did help with the itching. Thankfully, I have one more day to recover in a non-mosquito environment.
Being new to cycle touring, I had so much to learn. Thankfully, there’s a ton of information out there to help!
So here’s what we’re using and is working for us.

  • We are both on Salsa Warbird gravel bikes.
  • My frame bag is by Road Panda and Drew’s is by Apidura.
  • Our trunk bags are by Tailfin as are Drew’s rear paniers.
  • My paniers are made by Roswheel.
  • We both have top tube bags by Revelate Designs
  • Our front paniers are by Mountain Laurel Designs and mine are held in place by Dom Gorilla Cages.
Today, while cleaning the bikes, Drew noticed the rear cassettes had a little play in them. Not having a cassette socket, we rode a couple miles to the local REI. OMG! Riding the bikes unloaded was a hoot!! So light! We got a glimpse of what RAGBRAI will be like!!
  • Our saddles are Selle Anatomica and I’m still breaking mine in.
  • The wheels are DT Swiss CR 1600 and 1800 with Swalbe 45 mm G-One Overland tires.
  • We are running tubeless.
Back at the hotel, we continue to check and prepare. A few minutes outside yields more amazing photos.
Tomorrow we will return to the road. The weather is uncertain. Welcome to life!