We had a blast riding in the desert on Sunday. Everything was going perfect, until out of the blue my Di2 simply stopped shifting. First thought was dead battery, but I know I had just finished a recharge after the Joshua Tree 55 • Joshua Tree 55 – Another unScripted61… . So we modified the route home and I speed pedaled like a 12 year old.. It was fun no matter what, the weather was perfect, and riding with friends Al and Donna is always a blast. Once home, I diagnosed the issue, which seems to be that I somehow ended up in crash mode. Following the procedure from Shimano, it did the trick in about 30 seconds.. Now I know, if out on the road and that ever happens again what to do.. So glad it appears to be a non issue as we are getting really close to departure!
Trans America Adventure Tour Shakedown Ride #2