Road trippin’
After a month and a half on bicycles, riding in a vehicle feels rather strange!! With over 2,000 miles ridden, we’ll cover over 400 miles today in the Uhaul. The mind continues to weigh pros and cons.
During the night, we were awakened by the loud noise of hail crashing on the vehicles in the parking lot. And the light show!! Thank goodness we’re not in a tent. Thank goodness we will travel safely to Carter Lake today.

Rest day? Day off? Catch up day?? Off the bike day-that’s what this is.
As we travel southeast, temps will be higher. Having ridden RAGBRAI before, staying cool and hydrated is important. And with the bikes, we can carry more than on a normal road bike. We embark on how to carry an ice chest or cooler of some sort. A postal bubble wrap envelope? A hot/cold grocery bag? Last year, we had a battery box that we used to protect fans we used in the tent. With the fans out, it became our ice chest after the ride. A trip to the local Safeway, we found the hot/cold bag but it wasn’t going to work. There, they had a 12 pack foldable ice chest. It zipped closed and fit perfectly in the trunk over the bike’s rear wheel. Success!!

It was a torrid night filled with bizarre lights flashing, swirling against the tent walls. Lightening flashes mixed with the lights from the trucks on the road…the sound of thunder pounding, jake brakes shuttering , tires on the tarmac, the stream nearby…brewed a fitful sleep. Listening to Drew’s breathing wrought with congestion. Light rain pinging. All a bit of sensory overload.
Morning could not come soon enough.
At the break of dawn, we were up and breaking camp with few words spoken. Our routine has become perfected. Coffee is 5 miles away. Into a headwind.