In 2022,

Patti moved to Las Vegas after working all her life.  “I wanted this to be the fun part of my life…going out…doing things.” Relocating in a 55+ community, she found the neighbors did not engage as much as she had hoped.  “Most neighbors don’t come out of their house except to get the mail or set out trash cans”.  They chat briefly and return indoors.  She says she feels a little isolated. 

She shared that Nevada is not a lot cheaper than southern California.  Food is expensive.  And the weather is similar to the area she left.  “I don’t go down to the ‘Strip’.  It’s crazy down there and so much traffic!”

She is enjoying nature in the area sharing how the coyotes walk casually through the yards.   “There are so many Cottontail rabbits here.  It’s probably why the coyotes look so healthy”.  Quail and their chicks are also prevalent and she enjoys their voices.  And the desert is home to scorpions.  “We spray for them regularly”.  

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