Carson to Maryhill State Park
Unscripted. That’s how we roll and today was a great example. Another fantastic day with some surprises!
The sound of a hummingbird. Once you know it’s distinct chirp, you can easily identify it. At 4 am, several were visiting the trees around our tent. What an incredible way to wake up!
Our night was so peaceful. Feeling rested, we were up just past 5. The forecast for the day included wind and temps in the nineties so we thought it might be a good idea to get up and rolling early!
I learned that vanilla cake batter protein goes really good in instant oatmeal and makes breakfast a little easier. Just about have the Folgers crystals down too.
By 7:30, we were rolling.
As predicted, we were headed into a constant headwind. I am so blessed to ride with Hiking Drew. He is so strong, so predictable and kind. We were on Highway 14 all day. There was very little shoulder causing us to ride the white line. Everyone was courteous but one driver who laid into the horn while passing. I couldn’t help but wonder why this person was so angry…what a horrible life they must be in or have lived. It saddened me but I know there are lots of broken people in the world.
Today was tunnel day. There is a button along side the road that cyclists push causing lights to flash at the sign, alerting motorist that there are bikes in the tunnel. We’d wait for gap in traffic, push the button and sprint through as quickly as possible. Thank you to the kind soul in the white Ford pickup who saw us straining against the wind. He gave us space and waited until we were safely at the shoulder on the other side.
I don’t have a lot of photos for you today but took a lot of video footage. The photos I’ve been taking are on my phone. The GoPro camera, however, is mounted under the handbars so it’s easy to lean forward to start and stop. Much of the day, we were rolling…no signals or stops…just a constant push forward. Occasionally, a big rig would pass and nearly blow us off the road. They push a lot air. The concentration is takes to ride in the wind…always looking for debris in your way, drafting but not crossing wheels… keeping both hands on the handbars at all is tiring. My upper body certainly worked today.
By 11:00, we came to Lyle where there was a little cafe. We missed second breakfast so decide on lunch. Our server Mogan was delightful and the food was perfect!! By noon, we were back on the road.
Now, the temps were pushing into the 90’s, and unlike yesterday, we were constantly in the sun. Hydration was essential. We prudently drank. Some of the new things we saw today: A bird flying over with a fish in his talons, a farm that had deer including Albino deer and then a fire.
An emergency vehicle sped past us on one our climbs and as we crested, we could see smoke in the distance. Oh no! It appeared to be between where we were and our campsite for the night. We kept going.
About 6 miles out, we realized we were getting very low on water. We hadn’t filled during the day as there just were no services. And, due to heat and the wind, we drank more than usual. As we crested the hill, off in the distance was a winery-Maryhill Winery. “I bet they have water there!”. Right turn off the road and we entered into a beautiful setting. As we parked the bikes, 4 couples were leaving. It was so fun to chat with them!! They shared that the solid oak bar came from Anchorage to Missoula to now, at Maryhill winery. It truly is beautiful!!
While at the winery, several warned us that the road may be closed due to the fire. We tried to get more info but couldn’t. So, now cooled with plenty of water, we forged forward. BTW, the winery looked spectacular and I would encourage anyone traveling in the area to visit. The staff was so understanding when we bought a soft drink instead of sampling the wine.
Back on the road for the last push! Climb, recover. Back and forth until we arrived. Finding our tent site, we quickly learned the mosquitoes were in full force! Yikes! A quick shower and then a shower in bug spray. Not sure why they like me so much but they were biting through my clothes and spray!
Caron, a San Diego resident stopped by to chat when she saw the bikes. She shared some perspective about Californians leaving the state.
Ouch! Another bite through the chair and my pants! So…dinner was fine dining experience in the tent!! Maybe not the most creative dinner but good fuel that will keep us going!!
A side note- I’ve ridden with many of you. Today, Jim James and Wayne Whisnaut were by my side, just like the Tour de Palm Springs when the winds were howling. Some thing’s you never forget!