Wednesday June 28
Miles: 40.77  Total accent: 1,259
Totals:. Miles-1,273.13
Accent- 46,529feet climbed
111.30 hrs in the saddle
We are nearing a month on the bike and could not be happier. The bikes have handled amazingly, we have been blessed with great weather with minimal rain and we feel great. Drew has dropped some weight adjusting his belt loops a number of times and my arm sleeves keep falling down. We expected this would happen so we’re not concerned. Our legs/hips seem more muscular and we seem to be able to climb in bigger gears. So very grateful!
Last night, we went through all our ‘stuff’ and are mailing home things we no longer need like the Adventure Cycling Adventures maps, receipts and a bird’s nest.
Thanks to all our friends who have shared their experiences on their TransAm rides. We have not found ourselves wishing we had something or carrying anything extra. Like Goldilocks ” This bed’s just perfect!”
A bit down the road, we stop at
Dornans for coffee. Second coffee has become a welcome treat in our day, if we can get it.
Along the road, we see Candian geese and a moose far way.
Stopping at a rest area, we encountered a family revisiting the area. Mom and Dad are older, perhaps late 60’s/early 70’s. She is wearing compression stockings and looked very tired as if walking was a great effort. The couple stands for a photo. Dialogue is exchanged and she seems irritated/done with the photo session. A few things are said and one may surmise, this trip is the ‘last time’s to a special place. We think she may have a terminal illness.
This makes us both sad. Life is so precious. I am reminded of a quote “You better get busy living or you better get busy dying.”. It re-enforces to us that you can’t wait to live and how special and meaningful this trip is.
Just as we are lifted from our thoughts, another older couple approaches us to ask about our travels. He will be 90 years old this August and was just as full of life as could be. What a gift to have them chat with us. It so lifted our spirits and made us hope that we too would be so full of life at 90.
Long winding miles and we came to Hatchet Resort
Outside the store was a couple who is also riding TransAm- Jim and Michelle Robelen. Such a small world! They had lived in Redlands at one time and they both worked in the Inland Empire.
After chatting, we decided to have dinner together so to camp we went to set up. And yes, another bear can for food.
The Hatchet Restaurant had awesome homemade stew and Drew enjoyed a bison burger and fries. Olivia and Brooklyn were wonderful servers…so gracious and attentive! It was so fun to get to know Jim and Michele. They will also be riding RAGBRAI this summer so we exchanged contact information nsonwe could stay in touch. It’s likely our paths will cross again.
With a delicious, warm meal in our tummies, back to camp we went. We have a big day tomorrow!!

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