Tuesday June 27
Miles: 41.7  Total accent: 820
Totals:. Miles-1232.36
Accent- 45,270 feet climbed
108.11 hrs in the saddle

Colter Bay to Jackson, Wyoming

It’s easy to get used to hearing birds sing at 4 am. The early morning goes from silent to song in a matter of moments. It was brisk last night and it rained after tucking into the tent. We are in a camp where all food/toiletries must be stored in a bear box. I will be glad when we’re out of bear country.
Thomas, who we met in West Yellowstone, was finishing his coffee and we got a chance to chat in the parking lot. He tells us of the horrific rain they rode in all day yesterday.
After breakfast, we head out riding on the west side on the Grand Teton National Park headed for Jackson, Wyoming.

The scenery simply takes your breath away. Along the way, we see flashing road signs. “DO NOT STOP TO VIEW THE BEARS” with cones preventing cars from pulling off the road. Further on, we stop at a pull out where there is a sign that describes how young the Teton range is.

There, too, the paths are barricaded off with warning signs about bears. I truly am feeling anxious and on high alert. The bear spray is within reach. We move on. After crossing the dam, when turn up the road and Drew calls to me to pick up an elastic velco strap laying at the curb when I see what appears to be a old , chewed up tennis ball. As I get closer, I see it’s a perfectly shaped round bird’s nest that has fallen from a tree. Oh, what great joy to find a souvenir that is so priceless! A mile further, cars are backed up. Construction again?? No. A beautiful elk with a full rack (no sure howany points)was grazing by the roadside so cars were moving past slowly taking photos. Drew got some video but we were careful to keep the cars between us and the elk.

The road to Jackson generally had a nice shoulder with a few narrow spots. We were having a relaxing ride taking in all the beauty of the Tetons when Drew came across a thick patch of gravel. It’s moments like these that one is grateful for years in the saddle and an awesome bike. A bit of fishtailing and he was through it but boy did it bring us both back to the here and now and out of ‘tour mode!’
At Blacktail Butte Road, we start riding the best bike path I’ve ever been on! We were able to ride it all the way to Jackson! Along, the way, we passed a man running. We’d stop and take photos and he’s pass us. This happened several times and it got to feel like he was a friend…all of us laughing each time we saw each other.
About 1.5 miles outside of Jackson, the rain cloud finally caught us. Time to pedal. Heads down, focused, we made it to the visitor’s center. A few minutes later, the rain passed so we headed to Hoff bicycles. Drew’s rear tire is showing wear because of the weight he’s carrying. Rather than have an emergency in the middle of nowhere, we want to change it a stay safe. The folks at Hoff were very knowledgeable and helpful.
Next, with the weather report, need to do laundry and wanting to be safe from bears and mosquitoes, we check into a hotel. A quick walk to a nearby grocery store for “lunch” and back to the hotel to get to work. Thankfully, we were able to soak cold and tired legs in the hot tub while the laundry was running. There we met Neil Dougherty and his friend enjoying a week in Jackson. They are from New York. So fun chatting about life!
Laundry done, tire changed, showered, it’s time to explore the town a bit. We walked and looked at shops. Such a beautiful place!
It’s great that the sun sets late in the evening. Just strolling the shops was fun. But it’s time to get some rest and prepare to travel to Hatchet tomorrow.
Thank you for traveling along with us. We love sharing this with you!

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