We now have ridden over 100 hours !
Miles: 64.3.  – Total accent: 3,130.
Time in the saddle: 6:18
Totals: 1, 148.86 miles  – 42,773 Total accent –  101.23 time in the saddle

Riding out of the KOA camp at West Yellowstone was vastly different than the trip in on Friday evening. We have sun and beautiful puffy clouds versus the dark clouds and rain on Friday. We ride into town to have breakfast at the Running Bear restaurant and the lines are really long so we get breakfast to go and eat at the curb. We don’t want to lose 2 hours this morning.

While on the way, we met Thomas who is riding Transamerica with his friend. They are staying in hotels and have given themselves 2 months to complete it. They are from L.A. we have a delightful conversation and part ways.

A quick stop at the grocery store and we head to the entrance of West Yellowstone. It is such a beautiful park. We see bison in the distance and several fly fishermen. Old Faithful did not disappoint and we saw a bison cross the street in front of us 30 yards away.
We crossed the Continental divide twice and had so much fun with a raven who entertained us while we waited in a construction zone. He was the size of an eagle and showed no fear of us.

We finally rolled into Grant Village where we set up the tent and went to a deli for a bite. It overlooked Yellowstone Lake. It rained during dinner and clear when we left to return to the tent. What a spectacular day!!

Here is what Dianna captured on her iPhone

Meanwhile Drew recorded this.. Can you say 360 cam on single lens mode.. Duh!

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