Saturday – Day 36 – Edgemont to Custer, SD
Day 36
Miles: 45 – Total accent: 2,457
Totals:. Miles- 1,796.39 – Accent- 64,003 feet climbed
156 hrs 11 minutes in the saddle
Today is our first day on the famous Mickelson Trail. We can’t help but think of our friend Gay Richards who rode the trail with her sister. She shared the story of it’s beauty and the tunnels!!
Once again, the morning was beautiful with clear skies. We’ve learned to watch the clouds form and it seems each afternoon, there are threats of thunderstorms.
The trail consisted of crushed limestone and it is easily passable with our gravel bikes. There are covered shelters about every 8 miles which also has a picnic table so you can rest in the shade. As well, there is a bike stand with tools and a pump for on the road repairs. Most also had a pit toilet and water pump. Quite nice!!
About 10 miles into the ride we saw a large gopher snake crossing the road. And a little further down, we came across a cluster of butterflies sitting in the middle of the road. As we approached, they began to swirl. And then there was another cluster and another and another. Before we knew it, we were surrounded by beautiful, little, yellow butterflies flying by us as if to escort us along the path. This went on for nearly 10 minutes. It was the most magical event ever!!
The trail had a fair number of people riding. Since it is a rail trail, the grade never exceeded 4%. Flowers were blooming on both side of the path and oftentimes, we found ourselves riding through the forest. We met a lovely couple-Scott and Kristen- who are riding the trail as well. They shared they were relatively new to cycling. How exciting to see someone discover the magic of the bike!
Continually watching the weather, by mile 36, it started to sprinkle. We chose to move to the highway for the rest of the ride into Custer. With loaded bikes, our rate of travel is faster on the hard tarmac versus the limestone.

With just light showers, we made it to Custer and checked in. A walk downtown, we stopped at Custer Wolf for a late lunch/early dinner. We watched people returning in UTVs covered in mud!! On our way back, Drew saw a Dairy Queen. He’s been wanting a cake batter blizzard. With the day after day riding, he is getting thinner and thinner. Yes! Have one! Have one every day. With the calories we’re burning, we are indulging in food we wouldn’t dare eat at home.

Back at the hotel, all the wet and dirty clothes get washed and the bikes wiped down. Life on the bike is pretty simple and we pretty much have our systems in place. Tomorrow, we’ll complete the Mickelson Trail ending in Deadwood, stay the night there and head back down the trail part way to some new locations.. Stay Tuned!

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