With just light showers, we made it to Custer and checked in. A walk downtown, we stopped at Custer Wolf for a late lunch/early dinner. We watched people returning in UTVs covered in mud!! On our way back, Drew saw a Dairy Queen. He’s been wanting a cake batter blizzard. With the day after day riding, he is getting thinner and thinner. Yes! Have one! Have one every day. With the calories we’re burning, we are indulging in food we wouldn’t dare eat at home.
Back at the hotel, all the wet and dirty clothes get washed and the bikes wiped down. Life on the bike is pretty simple and we pretty much have our systems in place. Tomorrow, we’ll complete the Mickelson Trail ending in Deadwood, stay the night there and head back down the trail part way to some new locations.. Stay Tuned!
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