Douglas to Lusk, Wyoming
Day 34
Miles: 59.04 – Total accent: 1,722
Totals:. Miles- 1,682.39 – Accent- 60,037 feet climbed 145 hrs 25 minutes in the saddle
With the forecast of wind, we rise early to get on the road. The winds tend to get stronger in the afternoon so if we can get to Lusk before that, all the better.
As we started, there was a smoky smell and it reminded of the foggy mornings when dad would burn tumbleweeds in the backyard. I always thought that was so cool…kind of like a bonfire at school or the beach. It was usually a three hour event. I loved it.
Over the past few days, we’ve seen a fair number of state traffic officers. “Look. Another CHP”. Drew helped me out, reminding me they aren’t CHP because we’re not in California. “They’re YHP” because we’re in Wyoming. I pondered a moment and said, “Do you mean WHP?”. We both started to laugh hysterically!!
We have seen pronghorn all day, one crossing in front of us early on while we were in a descent. I’ll called to Drew “Watch out on your left!”. Just then, a large adult jumped from below and across the road. Hitting one is the last thing we need.
Lots of open road. We saw a huge bald eagle sitting on a post, traveled to a small town- Lost Springs-with a population of 6. We encountered road construction again riding through about 20 miles of cut asphalt.
Swallows and grackles seem to be present in all the states we’ve traveled so far but we’re seeing new and different flowers.
As we looked for our second cup of coffee, we learned there are no services until Manville-about 50 miles from our starting point.
We arrive in Lusk just 20 minutes after receiving a severe storm warning. After stopping at the C & H refinery historic marker for a quick photo, we get checked in and head out to find lunch/dinner. We had originally planned to camp but with the radar forecast, Drew made the change to a hotel. Riding in the wind, we probably are not eating as much as we should. We just want to get through the wind and when you are constantly stabilizing the bike, having a free hand to grab food doesn’t happen.
There are beautiful, old, well maintained homes in Lusk, kind of like the historic area of south Redlands.
And lesson of the day: The Frito Lesson-when riding a bike, it’s better to pay the higher price for one bag of Fritos than to buy three bags for $1.99 and having to carrying them all. Life is different on the bike!
We are so excited about tomorrow. Our friends from home are vacationing out this way and we hope to meet up.
Fingers crossed!!
Bikes secure in the room, we head out to find dinner. It’s a small town so we go to The Silver Dollar Bar and Scrappy Grill. As we enter, a handful of people are sitting at the bar having drinks. No one is sitting at the tables. The room is smoke filled as all at the bar are smoking. It is a very foreign experience insomuch as it’s been about 50 years since I’ve been in a public place with people smoking. We order our food to go. While waiting, our server went outside briefly and said there are rain drops. Boy, are we glad we’re not camping tonight!
With food in hand, we return to our room at eat dinner. The food was really good- burger and fries/ chicken salad. The next two hours were spent doing the usual-phone calls, charging items, setting things up for the morning and then the alerts started coming over the phone. It’s 8:48 PM. TORNADO WARNING!!
What?!! This is really foreign to me! Within minutes, it starts to rain. The sky is filled with thunder and lightening. The lightening is so frequent- every 2-3 seconds, it reminds of a kid playing with a light switch. And the downpour and heavy wind followed by hail. I have never seen anything like this!! We watch and try to capture as much footage as possible. This lasts about an hour. Then is all stops, as fast as it started. Wow! Just wow! We turn in for the evening, grateful for a room over our heads and a dry place to sleep.
Each and every day brings a new experience. The force of nature is truly beautiful and yet, oh so powerful!!

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