Monday,July 31, 2023
We break the ‘3,000 mile’ mark today!!
Day 59
Davenport IA to Sheffield, Illinois near Hennipen Canal State Park
Hickory Grove Campground.
Miles: 59.41 – Total accent: 877 – Hours: 6 hours, 3 minutes
Totals:. Miles- 3,039.5 – Accent- 99,116 feet climbed
231 hrs 55 minutes in the saddle
After breakfast, we packed our RAGBRAI souvenirs into a flat rate box to ship home. Being self sufficient means watching weight again. We’ll enjoy our new tee shirts when we get home.
We wind through Davenport and cross the Mississippi river into Illinois. We saw pelicans and Canadian geese drifting in the river. There was an awesome bike path along the river’s edge. Through one of the towns, I noticed pink refuse cans with breast cancer symbols on them. I’ve never seen this before.
We found the entrance to the Hennipen Canal Trail and hopped on. It was so relaxing to ride along the canal away from traffic. And, with just the two of us, so quite and peaceful. No “On your left!!”. We passed an area where there was red algae growing , saw people fishing from the edge and then the Lily Pads!!
During certain sections, they were edge to edge of the water and in one place, nearly a mile stretch! The pad were huge-about 3 feet across.
It was breathtaking!
Along the way, we met Richard. He has also ridden RAGBRAI and had a great time. He was headed to Chicago and then to Los Angeles, completing his tour in early October.
The canal trail was very easy to pass in some sections but not so in others. A fallen tree was crossing the path at one point, and in some areas, the undergrowth was thick resulting in an overall slower speed.
After nearly 60 miles, we arrived in camp and set up.
There we met Brian who was in an RV nearby. He was also doing a TransAmerica ride with his wife sagging for him.
Gas station pizza and Fritos for dinner. A great day on the bike!!

Some Canal info

The Hennepin Canal State Trail is an ideal destination for a relaxing day of picnicking, hiking, biking, fishing and old fa​shioned​ family fun. There are plenty of picnic tables along the 104.5-mile linear park spanning five Illinois counties (Rock Island, Bureau, Henry, Lee and Whiteside).

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