Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Day 54
Miles: 54.7 – Total accent: 1,234 – Hours: 3 hours, 40 minute
Totals:. Miles- 2,726.98 – Accent- 88,974 feet climbed
206hrs 17 minutes in the saddle
Ames to Des Moines, Iowa
Woohoo!! A short day!
Today was quite crowded. At RAGBRAI, you can sign up to ride all day or one or more days. We hear that the organization is trying to break a record for the most riders ever recorded. It does seem a little more crowded today. Our first stop, we met a young man who is riding a unicycle the entire route. Talk about an inspiration. You can see him on YouTube at WorldofUnicycles.
We had fun riding through Polk City…named after my wonderful neighbors! Well, not really but they share the same last name! lol!!
We finished riding just after 1 and searched for camp. All the charters are located at Waterworks Park. OMG! People, people and more people!!
While cooling off in the shade we get a chance to chat with Mary Beth of BBB adventures. She and Brentley are going home today since they are unable to ride.
With a few extra hours available, we head to the laundromat and grocery shop afterwards. I notice my cycling shorts have curled elastic across the back and are getting thin. It’s at the spot where the sun hits it, just below the jersey bottom. It gets really hot there too with the constant sun bearing down. Kathy Berhens told me this would happen! Her advice and comments have been spot on! So grateful she shared these important insights with me. Back at camp, WITH ICE, we enjoy cheese, crackers and fresh fruit…real food!! While bars, gels and sports drinks keep you going, there’s nothing like the snap of a crisp apple!!
After dinner and a shower, we relax by the tent before turning in for the night. A huge flood light is turned on, lighting up the entire area. We learn that several of our neighbors have scheduled to SAG tomorrow instead of riding. Fatigue is being to show across the board. It is often manifest by irritability. Like the woman in the shower line in front of me who was so nasty to the shower clerk. The shower clerks at Pork Belly are the most kind, fun people. The fact the shuttle didn’t pick you up after an hour isn’t their fault. While the showers were a little farther away than previously, it wasn’t that far. But…heat, exhaustion, unrealized expectations are becoming evident. People are beginning to fray. There is more of this to come before the week is over.
Tomorrow is the day most are dreading. Long miles and lots of climbing.
It’s time to sleep. While it is light in camp and we can hear the band playing at the expo, we sink into a deep slumber. Morning will be here before you know it.

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