Sunday, July 16, 2023
Day 44 – Carter Lake, Iowa
We passed into Central time on Friday so we’re watchful while making calls to friends and family.
While driving to return the Uhaul this morning, we saw emergency vehicles on the opposite side of the road. There were about 4 bikes laying on the greenway and someone being loaded into the paramedic vehicle on a stretcher. We were reminded how fragile life is and how quickly things can change while on the bike. It doesn’t take much…a rock, an uneven surface, a wet painted line or a change of position in the cyclist in front of you to cause you to fall. You’re up. You’re down. And this feat of physics-speed, angle, weight- cares not who you are, how many miles you’ve ridden in your life or how expensive your bike is-it is just the law of physics. Can you get the odds in your favor? Yes. Taking skills classes to train yourself how to respond helps (like at Bike Coach in Redlands) or knowing when you’re more vulnerable like when you’re tired or on cold medicine or in large groups of cyclists who may not be predictable or experienced. But in the end, if you don’t want to fall, don’t get on the bike. Even the pros during the Tour de France crash.
We are thankful for the motorists who give us some extra space when passing us. We may move closer to the lane to avoid some of the above hazards which may not be visible to the motorist. After covering over 2,000 miles over the past 45 days, you would be both amazed and disgusted at what lays on the shoulder of the road: dead animals, glass, empty containers (lots of Twisted Tea cans), pieces of tires, wood, rocks and more. What a learning experience!!
After dropping off the Uhaul, we walked to historic downtown. It seems there is a homeless population in most large cities. We saw so many broken people-so very thin, laying in piles tucked near stairs or against buildings. The resilience of the human body is evident. The fact these people are even alive is incredible.
While downtown, we saw really cool statues of wagon trains. Talk about a hard life and a tough breed of people!! It made us feel like riding our bikes across the USA was a cushy job. And then I wondered how my dad’s parents travelled from Ellis Island to San Bernardino, CA in 1917. How long did it take? Maybe my aunt or cousins would know.
While downtown, we came across a candy store that had every type of candy we’d ever known since childhood. So nostalgic!! I don’t think, back in those days, we knew how harmful sugar was. We laughed and are grateful we didn’t have more cavities!! Or illness!!
A quick stop at the metal sculpture place for a picture with the bull…the same bull from 2021 when I was downtown with my sister. What great memories riding a week with my sister!!
We decided to have lunch around 2 and as usual, eat half and take the other back for dinner.
The walk back was about 3 miles. Not bad. It was rather humid but the week across Iowa will be as well so best to get used to it.
Once at the hotel, the afternoon/evening was spent catching up on posts, emails and work.
And while riding 70 miles seems easy now, walking 5 miles uses different muscles and our bodies are definitely letting us know!

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