Saturday, July 15, 2023
Carter Lake, Iowa
Holy Moly!! With blackout curtains drawn, we woke up at 8:12 am! I can’t remember the last time I slept this late!! I have a belief that your body will determine the rest it needs. Perhaps we’ve become a little sleep deprived…a bit fatigued. Maybe that’s the root of Drew’s ‘allergies’.
Each time traveling here, I’ve been told about the amazing zoo in Omaha. So want to go and now we have time. We have the Uhaul for two more days so it’s our daily driver. lol!!
Off to the zoo and OMG!! It’s so crowded, we’d have to park two miles from the entrance! Thanks but no thanks. I am touched that Drew was willing to take me there…knowing how much I love animals. We decide to go to Walmart instead.
Now in a different climate, sunscreen is important as leggings are too warm to wear.
Powerade is $1 a bottle, they have honeycrisp apples and mangoes! We are camping indoors for the week and don’t want to eat out all the time. With a frig and a microwave in the room, frozen dinners are possible again!
Also, finding food we can carry next week, especially with Zachary with us, is important.
A cheese tray, yogurt…all those yummy but perishable foods are possible this week. The storms continue. And we have good internet access. Time to log in and catch with posts, emails, work and life.
Today is the Next Best Day Ever!

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