Long range planning and tightening one’s belt has some definite benefits!  For Linda and Steve, it meant retiring at 59 & 60.  They followed the advice given to them by their financial planner, paid off their house in 14 years and contributed the maximum amounts to their 401ks.  

What prompted them to leave California?  “We’ve always known we wanted to get closer to our kids as we grew older.” In 2019, they vacationed in Tennessee but decided that Nebraska or Georgia would be where they landed because of family.  Finding Nebraska to be too cold, Georgia was the destination.  

After selling their home in Yucaipa, they were able to pay cash for a home in Georgia.  “We sold a 1,900 square foot home and bought a 2,900 square foot home”.  

Linda shared how she was ready to make the move in 2018 but waited to retire.  “You’ll know when you’re ready,” she said. 

She keeps a ball cap and umbrella with her all the time now.  The sky just opens up, it rains and then clears up.

She also shared some of the tax benefits in Georgia as well the political differences.  Regarding the type of home: “We wanted some space and not live on top of one another.” 

“We have been met with open arms.  The people in Georgia are wonderful”.

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