Aug 3 – Pontiac, Illinois to Sammons Point, Illinois
Aug 3 – Pontiac, Illinois to Sammons Point, Illinois

Aug 3 – Pontiac, Illinois to Sammons Point, Illinois

Thursday August 3, 2023
Day 62
Pontiac, Illinois to Sammons Point, Illinois
Miles: 53.39 – Total accent: 787 – Hours: 4 hours, 23 minute
Totals:. Miles- 3,194.26 – Accent- feet climbed 102,569
267 hrs 48 minutes in the saddle
A standing joke at RAGBRAI is that Iowa is flat, which it is not! But the parts of Illinois we are traveling certainly are!!
Corn and soybeans.
Soybeans and corn.
Corn and soybeans.
Soybeans and corn.
Corn and soybeans.
Soybeans and corn!
You get the picture. Traveling on mostly paved roads, the day is warm. As long as we’re moving, it’s comfortable. When stopping, you can sense the humidity. A few times we ride on gravel roads. Scattered about are windmills. Those are so familiar living close to White Water.
We get to camp and the camp host relocates our site closer to the bathrooms and showers. Hummm. Maybe the long day on the bike is evident?! lol! With nothing close for dinner, we opt for ice cream from the KOA store. Banana chips and peanut butter too.
There are RVs in camp as well. One was running its AC which sounded like ducks quacking. They ‘quacked’ all night until the RV pulled out around 5 am. Glad that duck flew away!!

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