5:30 am came so quickly and the morning flew by as we shared breakfast with Jeff and Ken. Sharing stories and plans ahead, we laughed and laughed.
It was time to roll on as we are planning to make it to Dunkirk,NY today. Yes! A new state!
Ready to Roll!
Saying goodbye to Jeff and Ken was tough. And, they surprised us yet again by getting some footage of us riding…something we don’t get to see.
Past vineyards, watching ravens fly, partly cloudy skies and a lighthouse 200 years old. Mile after mile after another. The New York countryside is thick with trees, blossoming plants and lush grounds. I am thankful for being on a bike…to be able to experience this beautiful place.
Soon, we’ve arrive in Dunkirk and have escaped the rain again. Tomorrow we travel to Niagara Falls…a place I’ve never seen. So excited!!