It was a torrid night filled with bizarre lights flashing, swirling against the tent walls. Lightening flashes mixed with the lights from the trucks on the road…the sound of thunder pounding, jake brakes shuttering , tires on the tarmac, the stream nearby…brewed a fitful sleep. Listening to Drew’s breathing wrought with congestion. Light rain pinging. All a bit of sensory overload.
Morning could not come soon enough.
At the break of dawn, we were up and breaking camp with few words spoken. Our routine has become perfected. Coffee is 5 miles away. Into a headwind.
Category: South Dakota
Up and out early, we decided to try riding without morning coffee and breakfast. We are still traveling above 5,000 foot elevation. Custer is just 10 miles away so we thought we’d try it. We made it!!
Had a quick, delicious breakfast at Calamity Jane’s
coffee Shop. While there, a bee is trapped inside and travels along the window searching for a way out. After 15 minutes, I lifted him onto the coffee cup lid and took him outside. There were several children in the coffee shop. How do you find out that your child is allergic to a bee sting? After their first sting and they have a reaction. I’d prefer not to experience that his morning.
Riding the trail presented some of its own unique challenges. On a bicycle, one needs to carefully pick a ‘line’-a course that is least likely to have debris and hazards. Avoiding deep ruts, crossing cattle guards and railroad tracks at 90 degree angles and watching for stickers that can puncture a tire is paramount. But this morning, there was a new hazard-multiple piles of cow pies! It was like an obstacle course! lol! Not before long, we came across a herd of cattle traveling along the trail. One cow-the matriarch-was traveling in the opposite direction bellowing at the others. A few responded with comments but for the most part, they and the babies continued forward.
Leaving our little cabin nestled in the woods was bittersweet. The trees smelled so good and were teeming with birds. The campground had a few baby goats and a donkey for the kids to pet. The goats thought everyone was there to feed them. They were adorable.
Should we return to the Michelson Trail for our return or take the highway? The trail guarantees no grade greater than 4% but the road is a smoother surface with less rolling resistance. We chose the highway.
Oh my! Within 1 hour 11 minutes, we had traveled 6 miles and climbed 1,304 feet! Now that’s a way to start the day!!
It was fun to ride through the towns we saw yesterday from the trail.
The trail had a fair number of people riding. Since it is a rail trail, the grade never exceeded 4%. Flowers were blooming on both side of the path and oftentimes, we found ourselves riding through the forest. We met a lovely couple-Scott and Kristen- who are riding the trail as well. They shared they were relatively new to cycling. How exciting to see someone discover the magic of the bike!
Deep in the pedals, we continue on Hwy 85 turning on Hwy 18 not not before seeing the most amazing site ever!! So, we have begun a pattern of taking short breaks by turning into side streets and driveways since the roads we are traveling don’t have stop signs or traffic lights. It gives us a chance to get out of the saddle and relax a minute. Off in the distance, we see a pull out but there’s are vehicle there. Not terribly unusual but we are always watchful. As we get closer, the two people are waving. And I realize it’s Mark and Roxanne from home!!My legs are no longer tired and we pull up to wonderful hugs! They have traveled out of their way just to see us and say hello.